Westside Community Day Recap

The US We R Organization with DJ Sir Thurl along with Angels of God I.W.C. with Pastor Perry Wilkes presented its annual Westside Community Day on August 4, 2018. Hosted at Barrett Brothers Park on the corner of Goodfellow and St. Louis Avenue, the theme was Bringing Families Together to Build a Stronger Community.


The Highlights

The highlights from Westside Community Day at Barrett Brother Park were book bag & school supply give-a-ways, free lunch, popcorn, cotton candy, snow cones and more. Area school kids also had a chance to enjoy bouncy houses, a basketball tournament, music and entertainment as well as vendor tables.



The Sponsors

Westside Community Day is organized by Devon Townsend of US We R Organization and Pastor Perry Wilkes of Angels of God IWC. The amazing and appreciated sponsors for the special day included:


For more information visit https://www.westsidedaystl.com